Training in pure classical Odissi and Odissi folk is provided by Manasi Mishra.
Lessons in Yoga are given from the very first day to acquire physical fitness and suppleness which are very essential for a classical dancer.
Students are also introduced to the knowledge of techniques of dance related make-up, costumes, hair-styling, music, rhythms and bols.
Students are also equipped with the knowledge of Natya Shastra, thus grooming into a complete dancer after 5-6 years of rigorous training.
Please Contact Manasi for details on Odissi training.
Lessons in Yoga are given from the very first day to acquire physical fitness and suppleness which are very essential for a classical dancer.
Students are also introduced to the knowledge of techniques of dance related make-up, costumes, hair-styling, music, rhythms and bols.
Students are also equipped with the knowledge of Natya Shastra, thus grooming into a complete dancer after 5-6 years of rigorous training.
Please Contact Manasi for details on Odissi training.